What medical instruments did the Romans use?

Roman medicine - some 200 surgical instruments of various kinds have been discovered in the ruins of Pompeii but in general, the contribution of Rome to medicine was not very great. The Romans  said Pliny, in the 1st Century A.D. got along without doctors for 600 years. In fact, if it had not been for the Greeks they might well have never had any. In the early days the Romans relied on herbs and salt as well as some horrible potions like gladiators blood and human fat. The first Greek doctor to win fame was Asclepiades in about 91 B.C. and he insisted upon regular diet and exercise fresh air and cleanliness. Galen (c.A.D.) 130-200), the most famous of all, emphasized the need to study anatomy. Drills, scalpels, tweezers, forceps and even a four jawed clamp were used as surgery, through trial and error, became more skillful. Fracture and dislocations were treated effectively and artificial legs were not unknown. However, there were no anaesthetics and antiseptics and many operations such as appendicitis were beyond the surgeon's skill.

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